Officers & Area Representatives

Executive Committee

Area Representatives
Area 01
Assessment & Accreditation; Office of the Chancellor; Office of the Chancellor Emeritus; Graduate Admissions; Graduate School; Legal Affairs; Office of Civil Rights and Title IX; Internal Audit; J. Murrey Atkins Library

Area 02
Enrollment Management; Enrollment Communications; Financial Aid Operations; Niner Central; Adult Student/Evening Services; Registrar; Residency Determination Office; Undergraduate Admissions; University Scholarship Office; Benefits; Classification/Compensation; Employee Relations; Human Resources AVC; Staffing/Employment; Training

Area 03
Institutional Research; Athletic Academic Center; Disability Services; Honors College; Undergraduate Education; University Center for Academic Excellence; University Advising Center; University Career Center; Metro Studies; Urban Institute; Urban Research & Community Engagement

Area 04
OneIT (CIO, Client Engagement, Enterprise Applications, Enterprise Infrastructure, Planning & Administration, College Support, Student Affairs Support, Academic Affairs Support, Business Affairs Support)

Area 05
Housing and Residence Life

Area 06
College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences; College of Science

Area 07
College of Education; College of Health and Human Services; International Programs

Area 08
William States Lee College of Engineering; College of Computing & Informatics

Area 09
Academic Affairs, Office of Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, School of Professional Studies; Office of Vice-Chancellor of Business Affairs; Financial Services (Budget, Controller, Materials Management, Financial Services AVC, Receiving & Stores, Treasury Services)

Area 10
Safety & Security (Environmental Health & Safety, Police & Public Safety, Safety & Security)

Area 11
Alumni Affairs; Community Relations; Office of Dean of Students; Levine Scholars Program; Office of Vice-Chancellor of University Advancement; University Communications; University Development; University Events; Office of Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs

Area 12
Facilities Management (Building Environmental Services, Housekeeping, Recycling)

Area 13
Health & Wellbeing
Area 14
Athletics (Athletics, Student Activities Center & Venue Management)
Area 15A
Automotive; Grounds; Engineering, Facilities Management AVC and PDC

Area 15B
Maintenance Operations

Area 16
Advance Fado; Business Services; Research and Economic Development

Area 17
Student Venues & Engagement

Area 18
College of Arts and Architecture; Belk College of Business; Center City Campus, Center City Facilities Management

Revised 7/10/2024