Purpose and Authority of Organization
The Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It has been delegated by the Chancellor, the authority and responsibility to bring to the attention of the administration matters of general staff concern; and to take such actions as are necessary to enable it to meet those responsibilities. The Staff Council shall have the authority to enact such Bylaws consistent with this Constitution, as it deems necessary to conduct its affairs.
Executive Board Members

The Staff Council of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte shall consist of any full-time or part-time employee of the University Subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA), any full-time or part-time employee of the University Exempt from the State Human Resources Act (EHRA) who does not hold faculty rank, and those other employees for whom no provisions have been made. Any member of the staff may vote in the general election of area representatives and Staff Council Executive Board officers. Any member of the staff is also eligible to represent his/her respective area on the Staff Council as defined in Article III of the Bylaws of the Staff Council.
We, the Staff Council of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, in order to create a system of governance which will permit the exercise of such authority as may be granted to us and the sharing thereof with other elements of the University community, do establish this Constitution of the Staff Council of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte.