Officers & Area Representatives

Executive Committee

Area Representatives
Area 01
Assessment & Accreditation; Office of the Chancellor; Office of the Chancellor Emeritus; Graduate Admissions; Graduate School; Legal Affairs; Office of Civil Rights and Title IX; Internal Audit; J. Murrey Atkins Library

Area 02
Enrollment Management; Enrollment Communications; Financial Aid Operations; Niner Central; Adult Student/Evening Services; Registrar; Residency Determination Office; Undergraduate Admissions; University Scholarship Office; Benefits; Classification/Compensation; Employee Relations; Human Resources AVC; Staffing/Employment; Training

Area 03
Institutional Research; Athletic Academic Center; Disability Services; Honors College; Undergraduate Education; University Center for Academic Excellence; University Advising Center; University Career Center; Metro Studies; Urban Institute; Urban Research & Community Engagement

Area 04
OneIT (CIO, Client Engagement, Enterprise Applications, Enterprise Infrastructure, Planning & Administration, College Support, Student Affairs Support, Academic Affairs Support, Business Affairs Support)

Area 05
Housing and Residence Life

Area 06
College of Humanities & Earth and Social Sciences; College of Science

Area 07
College of Education; College of Health and Human Services; International Programs

Area 08
William States Lee College of Engineering; College of Computing & Informatics

Area 09
Academic Affairs, Office of Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, School of Professional Studies; Office of Vice-Chancellor of Business Affairs; Financial Services (Budget, Controller, Materials Management, Financial Services AVC, Receiving & Stores, Treasury Services)

Area 10
Safety & Security (Environmental Health & Safety, Police & Public Safety, Safety & Security)

Area 11
Alumni Affairs; Community Relations; Office of Dean of Students; Levine Scholars Program; Office of Vice-Chancellor of University Advancement; University Communications; University Development; University Events; Office of Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs

Area 12
Facilities Management (Building Environmental Services, Housekeeping, Recycling)

Area 13
Student Health (SH), Center for Wellness Promotion (CWP), University Recreation (UREC), Center for Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Center for Integrated Care (CIC)
Area 14
Athletics (Athletics, Student Activities Center & Venue Management)
Area 15A
Automotive; Grounds; Engineering, Facilities Management Associate Vice Chancellor (AVC) and Planning, Design, & Construction (PDC)

Area 15B
Maintenance Operations

Area 16
Advance Fado; Business Services; Research and Economic Development

Area 17
Student Venues & Engagement

Area 18
College of Arts and Architecture; Belk College of Business; Center City Campus, Center City Facilities Management

Revised 7/10/2024