Big Top – Niner Carnival

Event Date:
October 11, 2022 – 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM
A Staff Council Big Top Event: Come to the Niner Carnival!
Enjoy time with your fellow Niner Staff and take part in fun activities and contests!
Want to join in a friendly contests?
Register to participate in the Pumpkin Carving/Decorating, Photography, or Niner Crafts contests by completing the contest registration form here.
*Join the Staff Council this year as we support the Jamil Niner Student Pantry during our Big Top Event. Since 2020 the pantry has helped over 240 students access nutriuous food. This semester, the pantry’s use has skyrocketed to supporting around 350 students per week. We have partnered with Amazon and the Pantry, identified their most requested items, and created an easy way for you to support them. You can select items you would like to purchase and send them directly to the pantry by clicking on the wishlist link. Would you consider making a gift today through the wishlist?