Free Meal Kits – Faculty and Staff

Event Date:
March 10, 2022 – 10:13 AM
While Week 1 has already passed, there is still good information to benefit from.
The Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health and Wellness
(ACCEHW) would like to encourage our UNC Charlotte Faculty and Staff to
participate in the following upcoming Health and Wellness events
or use the recommended resources:
Faculty & Staff ONLY: Meal Kit Sign Up: Week 1
University Recreation, Chartwells, and the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor for Employee Health & Wellness (ACCEHW) are collaborating to provide FREE meal kits for faculty and staff. These meal kits include ALL the necessary ingredients to make this simple and healthy meal on your own.
All meal ingredients must be picked up IN PERSON from 12 – 3PM on the date listed in the signup, at University Recreation 3rd Floor Demo Kitchen, Room 313.
*If your work hours are out of the designated pickup timeframe (i.e. 3rd shift), work with your supervisor or a designated co-worker to pick up the meal during the pickup timeframe at UREC, and store it in your breakroom refrigerator.
Below is a link of the meal you will be making.
Recipe: Southwestern Stuffed Acorn Squash
Reserve your meal HERE! Meals are limited and on a first come first served basis.
For questions email
Pick Up Date & Time: Thursday, March 3 at 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Pick Up Location: University Recreation Demo Kitchen 3rd Floor, Room 313
8827 Craver Road UNC Charlotte: University Recreation Charlotte NC 28262