2nd Annual Community Service Day

Event Date:
December 6, 2017 – 8:00 AM to 4:40 PM
Cone Center Lucas Room
Use your Community Service Time before the year ends to support some great charities at the Staff Council’s 2nd Annual Community Day! December 6, 2017 Lucas Room 8:00am to 4:00pm Charities:
- Concord House
- Shoebox Ministries
- Joyful Hearts for Joy Prom
- Nursing homes
- Meals on Wheels
Please bring a pair of scissors to help in the making of:
All occasion cards Paint small items Bracelets Necklaces Signs Decorations Posters We have lots of items to work on, lots of space to do it, and lots of time, so come put your community service hours to good use! Please contact Lora Bassett at llbasset@uncc.edu or 7-5710 to sign up.