Staff Council Scavenger Hunt

Event Date:
February 8, 2019 (All day) to February 15, 2019 (All day)
Think you know your campus? Time to find out at your Staff Council’s annual Scavenger Hunt! Wrangle up a team (no more than 5) and during the week of Feb. 8-15, scour the campus as you hunt to find the correct item.
The rules are easy but the items to find may not be!
- Team member’s names (5 or less) must be submitted upon registration.
- Current photo entries are to be submitted with scavenger item and at least one team member in the image.
- Team captain should submit one entry of photo scavenger hunt results via email, mail, or in-person by 1:30pm on February 15, 2019, to Pam Erickson at (CoEd 139).
- Trivia Questions will be provided as necessary for tiebreakers.
Winners will be announced at the Chili and Cornbread Cook Off – Lucas Room, Cone on 2/19/19 at 12:30. Please have a representative present (or entire group).