2024 Staff Council Position Elections Have CLOSED

Nominate Someone for Staff Council

Area Representatives and Alternates for Staff Council are elected for a 2 year term. Even numbered areas are elected/nominated during even numbered years. Odd numbered areas are elected/nominated on odd numbered years. When the election cycle is over, the person with the most votes for an area is the Area Representative and the runner up is the Area Alternate.

Executive Board members must have served in the Staff Council for at least 1 term (2 years). They could be currently serving or have served in the past.

If you or someone you know would be a great representative or alternate to represent your area’s interests on the Staff Council, please submit a nomination!

Accept Nomination

If you have been nominated for a position and would like to accept that nomination, please complete the acceptance form and it will be routed to your supervisor for approval.

Election Voting

The voting cycle for 2024 will open in April. Voting is typically conducted in the spring for positions to begin serving in July of that year. Please check back for information and links to election forms.

Area Representatives and Alternates for Staff Council are elected for a 2 year term. Odd numbered areas are elected/nominated on odd numbered years. When the election cycle is over, the person with the most votes for an area is the Area Representative and the runner up is the Area Alternate.

Executive Board members must have served in the Staff Council for at least 1 term (2 years). They could be currently serving or served in the past.

Positions for election in 2024:

  • Chair: 2yr term
    • Jessica Waldman
      I’ve been actively involved in the Charlotte community for a long time! I got both my bachelor’s and my master’s degree here and started my career here as an Administrative Assistant in the CLAS Dean’s Office (when CLAS still existed!) I left Charlotte for a brief stint to work in student life before returning to Charlotte as an Academic Advisor in the Transfer Center. Currently, I’m an Academic Advisor and Graduate Program Coordinator in Civil and Environmental Engineering. I’ve been actively engaged with Staff Council since I came back to Charlotte in 2017 as an area representative and then most recently as the Secretary. I’m passionate about supporting other staff on campus – I’m an advocate for involving staff in all levels and areas of decision-making, something that the council has been actively working towards for many years. I’m also dedicated to making sure all staff feel as though they are engaged with the goings on of campus, especially as things continue to change fairly swiftly!
  • Secretary: 2yr term
    • Pamela Erickson
      Since joining UNC Charlotte in 2009, I have served in many administrative and operational roles. I began my tenure as the office manager in what was then, the Office of Field Experiences. After 10 years of working with instructors, students and public school administrators, I decided to transfer to the facilities side of campus. I served as the office manager of Building Environmental Services & Recycling (BES&R) from Dec. 2019 – July 2020, when I became the Central Operations Manager for more than two years. I accepted my current role as Program Development & Education Manager in December 2022. I am also the FM 311 and FM Building Liaison Manager. In addition to my roles at UNC Charlotte, I represent UNC Charlotte on the State level as the Director of Vendor Relations for the North Carolina Association of Physical Plant Administrators (NCAPPA). I have been an active member of UNC Charlotte’s Staff Council for more than 12 years, having served as the Area 7 Rep, Secretary, Chair of the Events & Education committee, and most recently the Area 12 Representative. I clearly see the value of Staff Council on this campus and how the organization works tirelessly to foster a positive environment for all staff. I believe my experience and resources on campus would allow me to serve effectively as the Staff Council Secretary.
    • Ellie Ivey
      My name is Ellie Ivey and I have worked at UNC Charlotte for the past 8 years. I currently work in the Graduate School on the Graduate Student Recruitment team. I have served on Staff Council as Area 1 representative for the past year and enjoyed learning more about the university and working with staff across different units. I would be excited to continuing serving staff council and working and learning with colleagues across campus.
  • Communications Officer: 2yr term
    • Carrie DaSilva
      I am the University Program Associate for the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX. I have worked on campus for 9.5 years. I am the current Communications Officer. I am finishing my degree in Integrated Marketing Communication (graduate May 10) and am looking to continue to grow in the Communication field. I love being on Staff Council. As the Communication Officer, I look forward to continuing to recognize the staff members on campus through the Golden Nugget process and to inform the campus of events and activities that the Staff Council and other organizations on campus are looking to promote. I also am on the Education and Events Committee for Staff Council and help support that committee by getting involved in events but also taking pictures of the events.
    • Amparo Ramos
      I have already served as an area 17 representative in which I was required to communicate and share information with our area regarding staff council initiates and events. In addition to that I handle the THD appeals process that requires me to constantly communicate with student and campus partner in order to resolve appeal matters. I have participated in sub committees of the Staff Council with the events committee, the staff relations committee, and the Staff Council professional development committee. I am a very active member. I currently handle events for my department and I need to communicate effectively not only with campus partners, but with external clients as well. In addition, communications is a very crucial part of my job duties and responsibilities as an executive assistant on a regular basis.
    • Alyssa Toshimitsu
      My name is Alyssa (she/her) and I serve as an Assistant Director in Residence Life. My primary focus areas are Supervision & Community Support, Leadership Programs, and Recognition. I have been a part of the Charlotte community for about 2 and a half years. I have been serving in my Alternate Role on Staff Council since Fall of 2022. In addition to my role on Staff Council, I have been involved on several other committees or initiatives across campus including: Green Dot, Penn Resilience Program, DART, Student Affairs Strategic Plan Spaces, Honors and Awards Review Committee, Student Affairs Awards and Recognition Committee, Homecoming Committee, and committees affiliated with Regional and National Organizations focused on Student Involvement. I have enjoyed giving back to the Charlotte community and advocating for a stronger community. I would be honored to continue to serve Staff Council in this role. I have experience with marketing, newsletter creation, and resource sharing. Communication is in my top 10 strengths for my StrengthsQuest friends.
  • Technology Officer: 1yr term
    • Jen Knight
      After graduating from Charlotte in 2021, I loved it here so much I didn’t want to leave! So, I entered a role as Program Coordinator in the Office of Academic Affairs in 2021. My role as Program Coordinator largely involves providing support for faculty awards and recognition projects. In 2022, I took on the additional role of Web Content Manager, managing all websites owned by our office. This year, I took the lead on a reorganization of provost.charlotte.edu, which is part of a greater revitalization project for the site that will continue throughout the year. I’m interested in serving on Staff Council as Technology Manager to support Staff Council in their mission, increase my involvement on campus, and gain more website management experience. I hope to use my technological skills to leverage Staff Council’s online presence in a way that is useful and engaging for Charlotte staff.
  • Even Area Reps: 2yr term
    • Area 2
      • Austin Abernathy
        My name is Austin Abernathy, I have been part of the UNC Charlotte community for 2 years, both with the Niner Central Student Services team. I am very excited to have been nominated as an Area Representative/Alternate; it has been my goal since I first arrived at UNC Charlotte to continuously become more connected with our campus. After participating in various campus events, and recently becoming part of the first cohort of the Sustainability Ambassador Program, I would love nothing more than to continue connecting with our campus in new and exciting ways!
      • Elise Chafin
        I have served as the Assistant Director of Orientation for two years. During this time, I have supervised over 75 students leaders including planning retreats, trainings, and teaching a COMM 3050 leadership course to these leaders each spring. I supervise 4 student interns year round, focusing on their development and growth. In addition to supervision, I have planned and implemented over 75 New Student Orientation sessions, welcoming thousands and new students and families to the university. I recently hosted a regional orientation conference in March 2024 which brought over 1,2000 students and staff to UNC Charlotte’s campus to learn about leadership and community. As a proud alumni, I also serve as an Alumni Employee Ambassador and support the alumni network.
      • Jill Gosnell
        I worked in Disability Services from 2006-2015 as Student Services Specialist and in 2015, I began working in the Office of the Registrar as the Business Manager. I have been active on the Staff Council since 2016. I have served as the Area Representative, Treasurer, and Events Committee Co-Chair. I have served on the Enrollment Management Enrichment Team since 2019, planning events for Enrollment Management. I have enjoyed working on Staff Council in the various roles and would love the opportunity to continue to serve. I appreciate what Staff Council does for employees at UNC Charlotte and love being a part of that. I was nominated for Area Representative, but would like to give others the opportunity to serve in this role, while I can serve as the Alternate and still be a part of Staff Council.
    • Area 4
      • Jessica Dudley
        I’ve been working as an IT Project Manager for the past 11 years at Charlotte. What excites me about the Area Representative/Alternate position is the opportunity to work with a great staff council and contribute my time and skills to making a difference in the lives of staff. I have a background in volunteering for various non-profit organizations in the Charlotte area. I’ve developed a strong understanding of the importance of community engagement and the power of collective action. I’m a passionate individual with a deep commitment to making a positive impact. I’m confident that my skills, passion, and dedication make me a great fit for this position.
      • Jules Keith-Le
        Jules Keith-Le is an Academic Technology Support Analyst with the Office of OneIT – College Support. Before joining OneIT, she worked in the Center for Teaching and Learning as an Instructional Designer/Technologist & Faculty Development Specialist and before that as an Instructional Design & Training Specialist in the Learning and Organizational Development Department. Jules has experience serving on system-level boards, including the UNC BRIDGES Academic Leadership program, the UNC Learning & Technology Journal, and on the Board for the University area State Employees Credit Union. During her 12 years working at Charlotte, she has served on many search and organizational committees (Digital Accessibility Working Group, Learning Spaces Committee, Student Success Working Group, School of Professional Studies Alumni Engagement Committee, Community Relations Skills-Based Volunteerism Committee, and the Advisory Committee to the Chancellor on Employee Health and Wellness) but she has not had the opportunity to serve on Staff Council yet! Jules is excited to have been nominated for Staff Council and would be honored to serve the university and represent OneIT as the Area 4 Representative.
      • Curtis Kularski
        I am the IT Manager for Academic Affairs in the OneIT – Academic Affairs department. I have been a full time staff member at UNC Charlotte for almost 7 years, and was previously a student staff member for 4 years before that. I am interested in accepting this nomination because I would like to be involved in encouraging more engagement between staff and in particular helping facilitate a more positive relationship between the staff in my department/division and the rest of the staff. This would be my first involvement in staff council at this scale, however, I did previously serve as a chili cookoff judge! I served on the Technology Portfolio Committee (now called FSAC) for several years on behalf of my previous department. I am excited by the opportunity to engage with others and work on initiatives to improve the workplace experience for all UNC Charlotte staff.
      • LaTonja Miller
        I’ve been at the University for twenty years. I currently work in OneIT Academic Affairs Support as a Technology Support Analyst. My team supports the Office of Financial Aid. I have gained great experience serving on the Staff Council since joining in 2017. I have served on the following committees: Staff Council Retreat Planning, Member; Staff Relations, Chair; Staff Assembly, Alternate Rep; Homecoming, Staff Council Rep; and Staff Assembly Wellness, Member. I enjoy being kept abreast of campus matters and ensuring that my area is also informed. It is also very important to me to assist staff members in resolving issues that improve our campus community overall. It would be my pleasure to continue to serve as the Area 4 Representative.
    • Area 6
      • Sally Mesibov
        I have been working as an administrative support associate in the Department of Religious Studies since Aug. 2022, and I have served as an Area 6 representative since January 2023 – taking over for Patrick when he moved to another area.
      • Jamie Sheppard
        It was a pleasant surprise to be nominated as an Area Representative for Staff Council. I truly value the voice of the staff (backbone) to the University. I have been part of the UNC-Charlotte family for almost 7 years as an Academic Advisor, and have worked in higher-ed for 25 years. At my previous Institution I served as a Vice-President for ACE (Associated Classified Employees) similar to Staff Council. As an Area Rep at Charlotte I would listen and support the voices of our Staff members.
    • Area 8
      • Macie Cruz
        Hello there! I’m Macie Cruz, delighted to be part of the dynamic team in the W.S. Lee College of Engineering Dean’s Office for nearly a year now. In my role, I provide direct support to Dr. Brett Tempest, the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, while also contributing to various office functions such as event coordination, office administration, and visitor management. Alongside my responsibilities at the Dean’s Office, I’m pursuing a full-time M.E. degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Western Carolina University. My academic journey fuels my passion for understanding and nurturing organizational culture, particularly in fostering safe and thriving workplace environments. While my involvement in the Staff Council has been limited this past year, I’m eager to deepen my engagement and contribute meaningfully to our college community. I believe in the importance of understanding the needs and aspirations of our staff, recognizing their contributions, and fostering a sense of belonging and appreciation. One area close to my heart is enhancing staff engagement through a blend of intellectually stimulating professional events and enjoyable social gatherings. I firmly believe that staff members deserve equal recognition and support for their dedication and accomplishments. I’m committed to championing their efforts and ensuring they feel valued and celebrated within our college community.
      • Carol Marshall
        I have worked in higher education since 2013 and absolutely love working with students, faulty, and staff members. I joined the 49er team 2021 as an academic advisor. My communication has been limited to the College of Engineering colleagues, volunteering with campus events and contributing to student success. I am interested in building bridges, meeting new people, and working with achievements and recognitions within UNC Charlotte as a Staff Council member.
      • Rachel Powell
        I am currently a department advisor in the College of Engineering. I am a member of the university’s First Gen Committee, the New Advisor Training Committee, and several other sub-committees in my department. I am interested in supporting the area representative in any way that I can. I feel as though there is some work to be done in terms of representing staff needs and concerns and to help push for professional development and advancement for staff positions.
      • Ilana Rivkovich
        Hi! My name is Ilana, and I am the Assistant Director of Advising for the College of Computing and Informatics. As part of my role in CCI, I also coordinate our Learning Community and teach our Computing Professional courses. While I have been a staff member in Charlotte for about two years, I am actually an ACE (Alumni Campus Employee) and got both my undergraduate and graduate degrees here! In the past year I have been active in the Learning Community Steering Committee, and I am passionate about working with others to continue making Charlotte a better place for students, faculty, and staff alike. I am excited to collaborate with other staff members and have no doubt that being a part of the Staff Council will allow me to contribute in the efforts of creating a supportive working environment, having a place to address and discuss staff matters, and be a part of a team that keeps making notable accomplishments for us.
    • Area 10
      • Jessica Berrios
        I am the Executive Assistant to the Safety and Security AVC and have worked at UNC Charlotte for over 11 years. I am honored to be nominated as an area alternate as I hope to help advocate for the needs of our employees in our institution.
      • Timothy Johnson
        I have served for the past 2 year cycle. I serve on the Events and Education committee.
      • Kyle Lenasa
        Hey, there! I’m Kyle Lanasa and I am the Emergency Planning and Preparedness Coordinator for the Office of Emergency Management. My role at Charlotte is to help lead emergency preparedness and planning efforts for the Institution and overall help make Charlotte as prepared as it can be for an emergency. I am excited and honored to be nominated for Staff Council, and I look forward to further serving our Charlotte community. In my role, I have interacted with many committees across campus to increase preparedness awareness and efforts for the Institution.
    • Area 12
      • Pamela Erickson
        I have been an active member of UNC Charlotte’s Staff Council for more than 12 years, having served as the Area 7 Rep, Secretary, Chair of the Events & Education committee, and most recently the Area 12 Representative. I clearly see the value of Staff Council on this campus and how the organization works tirelessly to foster a positive environment for all staff. I believe my experience and resources on campus would allow me to serve effectively as the Area 12 Representative. Since joining UNC Charlotte in 2009, I have served in many administrative and operational roles. I begin my tenure as the office manager in what was then, the Office of Field Experiences. After 10 years in academic roles, I decided to transfer to the facilities side of campus. I served as the office manager of Building Environmental Services & Recycling (BES&R) from Dec. 2019 – July 2020, when I became the Central Operations Manager for more than two years. I accepted my current role as Program Development & Education Manager in December 2022. I am also the FM 311 and FM Building Liaison Manager. In addition to my roles at UNC Charlotte, I represent UNC Charlotte on the State level as the Director of Vendor Relations for the North Carolina Association of Physical Plant Administrators (NCAPPA).
      • Towarren McLean
        I am currently an Advanced Supervisor for BES&R for Facilities Management. I am over the high performance cleaning team and Autonomous Program. I have an interest in Area Representative because I know and Understand staff issues. I feel that I will be a good voice for the people. I have worked at every position in the custodial field so I can relate to certain staff issues and can come up with ideas to improve staff concerns. I know that I can not solve every staff issue but it feels good to know that someone is listening! I build relationships with my staff where they feel safe and they know that I care. I have never been apart of any staff counsel or campus committees but I feel that I will be a great addition for the right one.
    • Area 14
      • no candidates have accepted nomination to represent this area
    • Area 16
      • Pearl Brown
        I have been on Staff Council for many years and I enjoy being the rep for the Division of Research; they rely on me to give them information from around campus. Also, I enjoy working with staff around campus, some of them I have been on the council with for years. So the comradery we have built is amazing. I look forward to being a part of the council for as long as you will have me.
      • Amy Epting
        I have worked at UNC Charlotte since August 2010. I work for Parking and Transportation Services as a Reconciliation Specialist and Front Office Supervisor. I love it – the people I work with in my department and throughout campus.
      • Katie Turner
        I came to Charlotte in 2018 as a Digital Content Developer, and I am currently the Marketing Director for Business Services. I previously served as a Faculty Program Specialist at UNC Chapel Hill for 7.5 years. At my previous institution, I served as the communications chair for the Employee Forum and as an elected representative on the Employee Forum. I worked in the Office of Faculty Governance under the Chancellor’s Office supporting the Faculty Council, Faculty Assembly and the standing committees of the General Faculty. I am interested in policymaking as it impacts staff across the system and at Charlotte. Most recently, I brought SEANC to campus for an employee appreciation event to raise awareness of the benefits that organization offers to state employees.
    • Area 18
      • Susan Bunton
        I joined the UNC Charlotte team as a member of CHESS (formerly known as CLAS) on October 15, 2012. I moved to the Belk College of Business in July 2023 as the Executive Assistant to Interim Dean, Dolly King. I will soon be serving our new Dean starting in July. My role is demanding, but my pride in serving on the Staff Council to be the voice of BCOB staff would be my honor. I would be happy to serve as an alternate to the BCOB representative for a two year term.
      • Megan Garner
        I have been a staff member at UNC Charlotte since 2010 and hope to bring my experiences and ability to advocate to the Staff Council.