Homecoming Decorating Contest

Event Date:
October 17, 2022 – 8:00 AM to October 23, 2022 – 5:00 PM
Homecoming 2022 – Decorating Contest
We want to see your Niner Pride on Campus during Homecoming 2022. Enter as an individual or as an office. PROVE who has the most NINER PRIDE on campus. Offices/Individuals will be judged on Theme and Originality. The winners selected for Best Office and Best Individual Decorations will receive a prize!
Deadline to Register: October 12, 2022
Have door/office decorated by the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 19th. Friday, Oct. 21st, judging will take place in the morning and the winner will be announced in the afternoon.
- Remember to use School colors.
- Safety First!
- Do not string lights or other objects where others have to walk.
- Use only non-flammable decorations.
- Do not place decorations around lights.
- Decorations cannot restrict the views of any Exit Signs.
- Decorations cannot restrict the movement through hallways, entrances and exits of the office/buildings.
For more information, contact Latonya Newbill, ljohn193@uncc.edu.